CyberChallenge IT

CyberChallenge.IT, a training program for young talents between 16 and 24, is the main Italian initiative to identify, attract, recruit and place the next generation of cybersecurity professionals. You don’t need programming experts to participate, but great passion, commitment and curiosity in scientific-technological disciplines (science, technology, engineering and mathematics). Logic, problem solving, communication skills and, above all, a great desire to learn are also needed.
The goal for the 2022 edition is to involve at least 5,000 among the best students in Italy and encourage them to fill the ranks of future cybersecurity professionals, thus making their skills available to the country system.
Since 2020 CyberChallenge.IT has been recognized by the Ministry of Education as a project for the enhancement of excellence; through these projects, the Ministry identifies the initiatives and methods for recognizing the levels of excellence achieved by upper secondary school students.